CQRS, DDD, EventSourcing course

by Greg Young

15 Jul 2019

Disclaimer: This review is written a bit more than 2 years after watching the course. It is based on the notes I made while watching it.

General impression

I got the videos of the course from a colleague. I’m not even entirely sure what is the official name of the course. In the introduction Greg Young says it is based on his 3-day workshop on CQRS, DDD and EventSourcing. The content of the videos was a little scattered even though I watched them based on their numbering. Some videos only showed Greg talking next to a whiteboard and some were probably filmed at the said workshops.

Despite of the chaotic nature of the contents, I liked the course a lot. It was very practical and hands on. Instead of going into an abstract theory of things, Greg gave practical advice and pointed out common issues. Plus a lot of what he was talking about was very similar to the architecture I was working with at the time, so it was very nice to have those practical examples in my mind while listening. It helped me to understand why the architecture was modeled the way it was.

Having said that, this was not a course for someone looking to get introduced to DDD or finding out how to build a correct domain model. It was focusing more on the infrastructural elements of DDD + CQRS + Event-Sourced architecture and common pitfalls.

Contents of the course

Ideas I liked the most

Ideas I found the most interesting/ useful based on my experience or just want to have here for quick reference.

When to DDD?

Let’s say we are estimating in shirt sizes S(mall), M(edium), L(arge) the business value and technical complexity of a service, then:

Business Value Technical Complexity Tips on building it
S L Buy it
L L Apply DDD here
S S Train junior devs here

What are application services/ command handlers?

The terms application services and command handlers can be used as synonyms as both of their jobs are:

EventSourcing: storing structured model vs event source (event-log)

We are thought to focus on the structure of state. But state tends to change over time. Plus systems can reach the same state in different ways. All this information is lost if we only store the final structure of state.

Event sourcing, on the other hand, says all state is transient and you only store facts. Any state that we have we derive by replaying these facts. We can derive infinite number of structural models this way.

EventSourcing and Aggregates

There is no connection between Aggregates and event sourcing. We can store Aggregates in non-event sourced way. We can publish events directly from command handlers.

But in case we want to combine these two approaches, there are 2 important rules to remember:

If we do not follow these rules event replays can break or we can end up not having the full state after replay, as part of it is set in public methods.

Here is a code snippet to illustrate the different method types more:

    public class SomeAggregate : BaseAggregateRoot

        public void SomeMethod(SomeCommand command)
            // validations
            // calculations
            var methodAppliedEvent = new SomeMethodAppliedEvent();


        private void When(SomeMethodAppliedEvent event)
            //mutates state

And what state should be stored on the Aggregate in the event method? Only the state you need for validations or calculations in your public methods. All the other state can just be stored in the events.

Event versioning

Process managers | workflows | orchestrations | sagas

All of the above words are meant to describe code that manages life-cycles. That could often involve integration of multiple Bounded Contexts. There shouldn’t be a lot of business logic in process managers, just process logic that could be expressed by sending and receiving messages.

Deferred message alarm clocks

Process managers often need to deal with time (e.g. if I don’t hear from billing in 5 minutes, I need to escalate). But it is easier to deal with (and test) messages than clocks. So alarm clocks can be implemented via deferred message service. That is a service that will return a message you sent to it after specified interval of time.

Implementing alarm clock via deferred messages has an additional benefit of being able to store state in the message and minimize the state stored on the process manager itself.

Some tips:

Practical slogans

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